Photo: ladybird
Reising er blitt endel av hverdagen, men prøver å blogge når jeg har muligheten. Det blir endel blogging fra flyplasser og hotellværelser.
I am traveling alot these days, for work and my sparetime. But im trying tp keep up the blogging as well.
10 kommentarer :
Ikke våg å slutte ladybird! Hva skulle vi faste lesere gjort da? :D
He he he...Det er nok ikke aktuelt å slutte, men det hender dere må ha litt tålmodighet med meg :)
lucky you;)!are you travelling around norway or...???
Yes, I am traveling in Norway and Denmark. :) I love my job!
I can understand you perfectly!unluckily , I'm still attending school....but it's the last year, hopefully!can I ask you what is your job?I'm curious, forgive me;)))
It is totally ok Lyndea, I work for a company, taking care of their image and concept :)It is inspiring and a job I develop myself in. Just perfect :) What kind of study are you attending? :)
oh, what a painful matter;)still high school, quite tough....along the normal subjects(maths, english, history and so on....), we atudy also latin and ancient greek
you job sounds awesome
Ohh thats quite a load of work! You hang in theree, and you'll end up with a job you love as well. I think latin sounds kind of interesting actaully :)
I admit it's quite odd to explain it to people who aren't italian....it's not very useful in everyday life, but still interesting [sometimes;)]
I would think it was quite useful if youre interested in learning othe languages, it is like an base for understanding. My boyfriend studies medicine, so he have alot af latin :) You lucky one, I love verything about Italy. My boyfriend always say that we should move to Italy when he have finished his studies. I could not say no to that!
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