

The T-shirt bracelets

Photos: ladybird
En av mine favorittbutikker i Alicante, Gallery 13, selger en del spansk design.  Der kom jeg over disse fine armbåndene fra Wild Things Accessories. De pryder vekselvis håndleddet og ankelen min. Og nå tror jeg kanskje jeg må ha enda en farge, kanskje det fine lysegule?
Hvis du har lyst til å ta turen innom Gallery 13, så finner du butikken i Calle Jerusalem 13 i Alicante. Nettsiden til Wild Things Accessories finner du her.

One of my favourite stores in Alicante, Gallery 13 sells these bracelets from Wild Things Accessories. It's designed by a spanish girl and I love the fresh colors and funky, laidback design. I got these two colors, and wear them around my wrist and my ancle. Next time I think I'll get the light yellow one. 

Vist Wild Things Accessories homepage here to take a closer look at their stuff. If in Alicante, make sure you'll pop by Gallery 13 in Calle Jerusalem 13.

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