Daisy Liberty bukser
Photos: Youheshe
Jeg simpelthen elsker Daisy sine Libertybukser. kan ikke forestille meg noe mer behagelig. Jeg vil ha! Liker du de like godt som meg? Her kan du skaffe deg noen. Ikke hørt om Daisy enda? Her er en liten intro: "Daisy er et firma, der både kreerer unika-tøj og skaber unikke interiørløsninger og produkter. Bag ideen står to danske søstre Rebecca Elbek og Andrea Larsson. Begge er de vokset op i en kreativ og musikalsk familie, hvilket førte dem ned at den kreative levevej. Rebecca valgte at blive guldsmed og tog sin uddannelse i London, og Andrea blev indretningsdesigner og har gennem længere tid kunne opleves på TV3´s boligprogram "Fra skrot til slot". Derudover har hun haft egen butik i København, hvor hun solgte skønne, vintage tapeter og designede bukser og nederdele af gammelt Liberty stof. Daisy er et projekt de ikke kunne lade være med. Her leger de med deres ideer på kryds og tværs og viderefører deres egen stil ud i enestående produkter. Deres force er at mikse materialer, mønstre og farver, så det bliver slik for øjet. De bruger antikke materialer og tyer til genbrug og alle deres produkter kommer i et begrænset antal, hvilket gør dem ekstra særlige og personlige" Youheshe
I love the Libertypants from Daisy. Can you image anything more comfy than these? I love them. Did you fall for them as well, you can shop them here.
That girl
Photot: The Sartorialist
Jeg synes kombinasjonen dressy haremsbukse, en liten jakke og fantastiske åpne oxfords er stunning. Det synes tydeligvis herremannen i bakgrunnen også.
I love the wau she mixes these baggy pants i in a dressy material, the little jacket and the fabulous open oxfords....It seems like I'm not the only one who adores her looks.
Zzzzzebra...do or don't?
Photos: People
Zebra mønster er visstnok en trend. Jeg er ikke helt overbevisst, så den tror jeg skippes glatt. Hva med dere?
Zebra is a coming trend. I am not jumping on that one, are you?
Dagens antrekk
Photos: Ladybird
Mye hit og dit i dag, så comfy klær ble prioritert.
Jeans fra Vero Moda
Hettejakke fra H&M
Singlet fra H&M
Comfy style today, cause I am on the road. Red jeans from VeroModa, top and hood from H&M.
Mitt veskefyll
Photo: ladybird
I min grå Bianco skinnveske finner du følgende: 1 plastpose som brukes til flytende saker ved flyveturer, 1 paperback krimbok med tittelen "steinhuggeren", nøkkelknippe som er en vaktmester verdig, fuktighetsspray fra Avene (perfekt for flyturer og lange dager foran pcskjermen, handkrem fra Neutrogena, solbriller, to lipgloss og 1 leppepomade fra MAC, Läkerol med Pommegrante smak, tyggis, kvitteringslapp for baggasje under en flyreise, timeplan på SATS, 1 penn, mobillader, handsfreesett, lommebok, bilnøkler og en liten sminkepung med ytterligere leppepomader og det aller nødvendigste.... Det var ikke så ille mye oppi veska nå.
My grey leatherbag from Bianco contains a paperbackcrime called "steinhuggeren", a plastic bag for liquids at planetrips, keys, mousturisisng spray from Avene, handcream from Neutrogena, sunglasses, t´hree lipglosses from MAC, pastills, gum, receipt for baggage from a flight, schedule for the local gym, 1 pen, cellphone adapter, handsfree, carkeys, makeup purse with even more lipglosses and some necessary makeup, purse.
Innholdet i Vanessa Minnillos veske er som følgende:
FLIRT LIP GLOSS "I’m a guest creator on a collection of Flirt glosses, which will be out in August. I always keep light brown and pink on hand."
TREO "I use this as my phone. Nick [Lachey] gave it to me."
DIOR SUNGLASSES "They don't have a nosepiece, so I can wear them on top of my head without tangling my hair."
FENDI WALLET "When I moved to N.Y.C., I had a little girl's wallet. My best friend told me I needed a 'power wallet.'"
ESTEE LAUDER PLEASURES "In eighth grade I worked in an insurance office. The secretary bought me a bottle, and I've stuck with it."
T-MOBILE SIDEKICK "I use it for e-mail only. One time I tried to consolidate my phone and e-mail into one device. It was the worst month of my life!"
IPOD "It's not full yet, but I just made a modern-rock playlist."
Ivana Trump har dette i sin veske: Inside of her bold purple crocodile bag by Giorgio Armani, the brainy beauty totes a few everyday essentials—like a leather-trimmed Hermés keychain, her well-worn passport (she's sent it in twice to have additional pages added) and a good book—in this case Burr, a historical novel by Gore Vidal. "I don't like to waste time reading trash. I saw a documentary on the author and picked this up; I'm loving it!" says Trump. Last but not least, she can't leave home without her coveted Chanel lip gloss. "My lips are always chapped—probably from all my yapping—so I'm addicted to lip balms and glosses. I have, like, six in my bag—in similar colors. I just reach in and grab one."
Innholdet i Liza Rinna's veske er som følgende: Inside my YSL leopard bag
My blackberry. My life line to everything! My career, theater ourmanager our Belle gray boutiques it's my multi-tasker!
Bottega Veneta wallet "harry gave me my first one 16 years ago and I geta new one every 2 years or so....I love it and it makes me think of him"
Mac prrr lipglass can't live without this for obvious reasons but withthese big smackers they need to be covered with something at all timesor I will pick them "very bad habit "
Nars ginger under eye coverPerfect color and it freshens you right up!!!
Since I’m always running around, I need to have smart, low cal snacks on hand at all times. The sugar-free Jell-O cups are great because I can just throw them in my bag when I’m running out the door.
A couple of post its and a pen in case I see a new line I like whileshopping say in nyc....
Kleenex-- I'm a mom and my mom taught me to always have it!
A small snack size ziplock baggy filled with my vitamins, Tylenol all mypotions.....to keep me healthy on the go...it's not chic but I can findwhat I want quick.
My razor cell phone with Swarovski Crystalsso we can tell our phones apart Harry has the same phone....
Instyle sine lesere tømmer også sine vesker...
Photos: Instyle
Veskeinnhold er alltid moro. Det har også magasinet Instyle forstått.
A look into someones bag are always interesting. Instyle take a look into celeb bags, and their readers bags.
The Sartorialist
Photos: Elle, Balenciaga, Chanel, Justjared, bunnyhug
SATC- The Movie Soundtrack
Soundtracket til Sex og Singelliv filmen er rett rundt svingen. Her er hva du kan vente deg å finne:
SATC The Movie soundtrack is coming soon, this is the tracks you will find there:
1. Labels or Love - Fergie
2. All Dressed in Love - Jennifer Hudson
3. The Look of Love (Madison Park vs. Lenny B remix) - Nina Simone
4. New York Girls - Morningwood
5. All This Beauty - The Weepies
6. I Like The Way - Kaskade
7. It’s Amazing - Jem
8. How Deep Is Your Love - The Bird & The Bee
9. The Heart Of The Matter - India.Arie
10. Auld Lang Syne - Mairi Campbell & Dave Francis
11. Kissing - Bliss
12. How Can You Mend A Broken Heart - Al Green (featuring Joss Stone)
13. Walk This Way- Run-D.M.C. (featuring Steve Tyler and Joe Perry)
14. Sex and the City Movie Theme - The Pfeifer Broz. Orchestra