Photos: People Zebra mønster er visstnok en trend. Jeg er ikke helt overbevisst, så den tror jeg skippes glatt. Hva med dere? ---------------------------------------- Zebra is a coming trend. I am not jumping on that one, are you?
K.Line: It is a really beautful pattern indeed, but as you say, not on this bag. I even tried it out, on a dress and a bikini...but it just don't work for me :) Happy to hear it works out with you then ;)
5 kommentarer :
Gotta disagree with you here, Ladybird... I LOVE the zebra pattern - not in this bag, particularly, but in general. Maybe it's a character flaw :-)
K.Line: It is a really beautful pattern indeed, but as you say, not on this bag. I even tried it out, on a dress and a bikini...but it just don't work for me :) Happy to hear it works out with you then ;)
må si meg enig med deg ladybird.. Vi lar den være;)
Oki Marte, det er mange andre trender vi heller kan slenge oss på :)
he he, ja..definitivt:) sluker ikke alt rått nei;)
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