

Diane Von Furstenberg S/S 2008

Photos: Diane Von Furstenberg homepage
DVF sin sommerkolleksjon har et stikkord; vulkan. Det var kanskje ikke det første du tenkte på! Lurer du på hvorfor, så ta en titt på denne videoen, eller la deg inspirere av bildene.
The summercollection from Diane Von Furstenberg was inspirated by one thing, volcanoes. Hmm...maybe not the first thing on your mind. See her explain it in this videoclip, or just be inspired by the pics of her lovely design.

12 kommentarer :

Anonym sa...

Utrolig lekkert! Jeg skal gjøre et nytt forsøk på å finne vesken i morgen!

Ladybird sa...

Håper virkelig du får tak i den :)

annabananna sa...

without watching the movie, i don't get the volcano vibe, either. but her dresses are just as beautiful as always. great!

Richel sa...

I've always had a weird girl crush on DVF.

momoiro-chan sa...

Så mye lekkert!

Sharon sa...

This is another designer who's designs I really love-I would adore a vintage DVF-maybe one day! Thanks for stopping by my blog-would you like to trade links?

Ladybird sa...

Annabannana: I could not understand what she was talking about, before I saw that video, and then it actually become very understandable. Great collection though.

Ladybird sa...

Ragamala: She does amazing stuff, she understand the body of women. :)

Ladybird sa...

Momoiro-chan: ja ikke sant, masse lekkert og fine fargekombinasjoner. Hun har en egen evne til å lage klør for damer flest, som kler alle og enhver.

Ladybird sa...

Sharon Rose: Yeey, everony would like one of those DVF dresses, especially a vintage one :) I would love to exchange links ;)

Elizabeth sa...

I wouldn't have thought of volcanoes. I just thought "pretty."

Ladybird sa...

Enc: he he he pretty is a more obvious wird yeah ;)