

Dagens bilde

Photo: LolaNewYork
Jeg er i modus for røde bein.
Just because red legs are my fovourite these days.

6 kommentarer :

Sharon sa...

I wonder if she saw your post on red legs!!

Ladybird sa...

Sahron Rose: he he he...maybe ;) I was actually supposed to use this pic in the "red stocking post"...but saved it for now ;)

Marte sa...

He he... Ladybird er hekta på røde bein;) Stilig er det! Enig med deg i det:)

Ladybird sa...

Marte: he he he...litt hekta kan man si ;)

Elizabeth sa...

All those legs are nice, but red is best!

Ladybird sa...

Enc: yes, I love the colors in the pictures...and of couse...the red legs are hot! ;)