Photos: Ladybird
Endelig er sola tilbake.
Skjørt fra H&M
Belte fra H&M
Topp fra Gosha
Galdiatorsandaler fra Bianco
Finally, the sun are shining. Love it. I wore a skirt and belt from H&M, top from Gosha and glads from Bianco Footwear.
11 kommentarer :
The Belt build perfectly the silhouette and I am always enchanted by (semi)naked-shoulders (by the favour of natural and casual movements) . . .
"Executive Woman Style", with YES(No, I am not Mad !!! ) "SM Chic effluents" . . .
A Bientôt, Antoine
Stilettostetico: Thank you for that fabulous comment. How do you come up whit these fabulous reviews... And I soooo agree with you, shoulders are a bodypart every woman should show off sometimes!
Hottie! :)
Så ffiiiiiiiiint!
Marte: Du altså....takk! ;)
Anonym: Tusen takk :)
What I really like about this outfit is the proportions top to bottom—voluminous to slim. The shoes are cool, too.
Enc: I love playing with proportions :) The mix of volum and slimmer porportions always make a exciting outfit! :)
oi..der så du lekker smekker ut!
Pinton: Takk skal du jammen meg ha ;)
Nydelig outfit.
Takk Cecilie ;)
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