Photos: Ladybird
Kjole fra Zara, brukt som skjørt
Topp fra H&M
Veske og slip-in sandaler fra Bianco Footwear
I am wearing my dress from Zara, used as a skirt. A top from H&M and slipin sandals and fringebag from Bianco Footwear.
3 kommentarer :
The Dress used as a skirt is a subtle conversion, with an "High-waist effect" which structures the silhouette . . . And your flowing, evanescent Golden hair is sincerely as Feminine and romantic as your "néo-skirt" 's Prints . . .
A Bientôt, Antoine
Stlettostetico: your comments are always sweet as pie, keep bringing them on ;)
I keep wonder what kind of job you have, stlettostetico.
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