

"There is no way back for me now. I am going to take you on journeys you've never dreamed were possible."

Hvil i fred Lee McQueen
R.I.P Lee McQueen.

"Every year, buyers and the press come to see the spectacle of my show. But I want to generate something else, something for a wider audience - for people in Australia, Asia, and Middle America who don't have a seat at the show. Really, what I'm aiming for is world domination! It'll be like live theatre - at home. The audience at home is actually going to see more than the guests at the show. We're filming from a load of different angles, and two big cameras will actually be a part of the performance. This is the birth of a new dawn. There is no way back for me now. I am going to take you on journeys you've never dreamed were possible." Lee McQueen

4 kommentarer :

Kira Aderne sa...

I am so sad...

Love My Fifteen Minutes sa...

It's terrible!

frk.bustad sa...

...jeg kan nesten ikke tro dette er sant... det er et stort tap for moteverdenen og hans ekstreme kreasjoner og fantasi kommer til å bli savnet.

Ladybird sa...

Kirafashion and Love my Fifteen Minutes: Truly truly sad, the world lost such a genious fashion artist :´(

frk.bustad: er sååå trist, og jeg blir så lei meg når jeg tenker på at både bestevennen og mammaen hans døde nylig.... Han var virkelig visjonær og et geni motemessig! Og en god businessmann!