

Heaven Scent

Photo: ladybird
Jeg poppet innom nisjebutikken Heaven Scent her om dagen. Skulle egentlig ha en gave, men endte opp med en haug små digge prøver til meg selv. Digger den plassen! Man får alltid så mange gode tips og hjelpsom veiledning gjennom deres duftjungel. Nå skal jeg smøre, skrubbe og ikke minst dufte, dufte, dufte!
The other day I was looking for a gift to a friend. I popped by one of my favourite store, Heaven Scent. A small concept store specializing on perfume. Didn't end up with a gift, but came home with a lot of small testers. So now I'm scrubbing, rubbing and sniffing. Delicious!

2 kommentarer :

Anonym sa...

These are Diptique samples if I'm not wrong? Guess what's my signature scent? ;) Oyedo by Diptique. love it!

I've been using the inWear denim jacket so much and loving it. Sorry for the lack of outfit photos. i finally have a solution- a tripod so there will be plenty of photos coming.


Ladybird sa...

Yup, you are right Dena. That's Diptique. Love their scented candles! Now i have to chech out Oyedo next time I visit heaven Scent. Always looking for a new signature smell ;)

I am soooo glad you liked the jacket and that you've been using it. I am looking forward to see it ;)

Sleep tight honey!
