Hvorfor må man finne alle disse flotte tingene på Ebay...skal vel ikke klage på det, men fristelsen er så stor! Vivienne Westwoods piratboots har jeg siklet på i over to år nå...den fargekombinasjonen der er fantastisk. Vil ha ja.
We thought you might be interested in the latest in Paris Hilton fashion!
Mio Destino www.miodestino.co.uk would like to offer your readers the opportunity to join in the debate over whether or not Paris should be jailed…with fashion! Mio Destino have created “Free Paris” designer silk undies for men, women and their Tinkerbell’s. 50% of all profits go to Ovarian Cancer Action www.ovarian.org.uk.
Join the great debate – should Paris be jailed?
With poor little rich girl Paris Hilton facing the prospect of a stint in jail, now is the time to take sides for or against the naughtiest it -girl of them all…. and help the fight against ovarian cancer.
Lingerie experts www.miodestino.co.uk have created a very special, limited edition collection of undies inspired by the great Paris debate.
Lovingly embroidered with either “Free Paris” or, oh dear, “Jail Paris”, the range includes sexy panties for the girls, stylish briefs for the boys and a cute doggie dress in recognition of the most important pet in Paris’s life.
Mio Destino would like to offer your readers a opportunity to own a pair of limited edition women’s, men’s or doggie knickers. Free Shipping is available on all purchases until her looming incarceration date of June 5th. 50% of all profits to be donated to Ovarian Cancer Research. For more information, please see the attached press release or contact us directly.
Kind regards,
Colleen Murphy Mio Destino www.miodestino.co.uk PO Box 8496 Leicester, UK LE21 3BG Tel: 0 11 44 845 840 0025
9 kommentarer :
Jeg vil også haaaa.... :)
Så var det de støvlene der da...Har ikke ord.
De har vært lenge på ønskelisten, og kommer ikke til å forsvinne med det første heller...
ebay er skummelt men herlig :) Handla nettopp der jeg også!
Herregud så fine!!!
Ja, jeg så støvlettene dine Zava, gromkjøp!!!
takk Snuppa :) Gleder meg til å få dem i hus!
Blir liksom enda mer stas når man har "slitt" litt for dem...
We thought you might be interested in the latest in Paris Hilton fashion!
Mio Destino www.miodestino.co.uk would like to offer your readers the opportunity to join in the debate over whether or not Paris should be jailed…with fashion! Mio Destino have created “Free Paris” designer silk undies for men, women and their Tinkerbell’s. 50% of all profits go to Ovarian Cancer Action www.ovarian.org.uk.
Join the great debate – should Paris be jailed?
With poor little rich girl Paris Hilton facing the prospect of a stint in jail, now is the time to take sides for or against the naughtiest it -girl of them all…. and help the fight against ovarian cancer.
Lingerie experts www.miodestino.co.uk have created a very special, limited edition collection of undies inspired by the great Paris debate.
Lovingly embroidered with either “Free Paris” or, oh dear, “Jail Paris”, the range includes sexy panties for the girls, stylish briefs for the boys and a cute doggie dress in recognition of the most important pet in Paris’s life.
Mio Destino would like to offer your readers a opportunity to own a pair of limited edition women’s, men’s or doggie knickers. Free Shipping is available on all purchases until her looming incarceration date of June 5th. 50% of all profits to be donated to Ovarian Cancer Research. For more information, please see the attached press release or contact us directly.
Kind regards,
Colleen Murphy
Mio Destino
PO Box 8496
Leicester, UK
LE21 3BG
Tel: 0 11 44 845 840 0025
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