Photo: Elle UK
Dagens bilde er av Erin Wasson. Hun er godbuss med godeste Alexander Wang. Og han inspireres av det han kaller MOD. Models Off Duty. Og det er mye inspirasjon å hente fra Erin Wasson.
Todays pic, showing the lovely and edgy Erin Wasson. Her bestfriend is one of my favourite designers, Alexander wang. He loves the MOD style, as he calls it. Models Off Duty. I can see where he gets his inspiration.
5 kommentarer :
oh my god! i LOVE the sharon tate picture in your sidebar!!
And the "BOMBshellesque" Miss Wasson is REALLY a scorching "trendy short-shorts Goddess" !!!!
A Bientôt, Antoine
Molly: I know, it is amazing! I really love it!
Stilettostetico: She rocks every look, an this one indeed!
Hun har stil den dama der ja.
Camilla: Hun er jo bare rå!
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